Information Technology
ConWiz understands the documentation requirements of the IT industry better than others. We bring you an edge, because one of our sister concerns is a full-fledged IT company. That means that we know things from the backend to the frontend, from the inception to the delivery and post-delivery phases.
We deliver high quality, user friendly documentation within the set timelines, with the added advantage of knowing the programming base involved. This means that ConWiz has the unmatched ability to handle multiple and varied IT technical content documentation for your user manuals, installation manuals, training manuals, release notes documents, help files, Technical Architecture Guides, and Online Help & Product Manuals.
Our writers and trainers have:
- The aptitude to understand technical or complicated subject matter specific to the IT field
- Ability to locate and parse information from the functional specifications.
- Ability to identify missing gaps in information and determine ways to resolve issues with content
- Exposure to latest web technologies required in IT documentation such as XML, XHTML, DITA, JavaScript, and Dynamic HTML etc
- Expertise in a number of Software/ Tools for Technical Communicators
- Ability to follow various style guides such as the Chicago Manual or the Microsoft Manual to Style
- Can develop customized style guides to suit the needs of your organization