CONWIZ - Author services

Comprehensive Journal Recommendations - Author Services

At Conwiz, we understand the importance of choosing the right journal for your manuscript. Our comprehensive journal recommendations service ensures that you find the right match for your research, thereby increasing your chances of getting published.

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Service Details

Satisfaction Guranteed

Manuscript  Analyze

Our team of experts will analyze your manuscript to understand its scope, subject area, and quality.

Journal recommendations

Based on our analysis, we will provide a list of journals that are most suited for your manuscript.

Most Suitable

Our recommendations are based on factors such as journal reputation, impact factor, and the scope of your manuscript.


  • Our service ensures that your manuscript is submitted to the most appropriate journals, thereby increasing your chances of getting published.
  • Our team of experts has extensive experience in the publishing industry and can provide valuable insights into the submission process.
  • Our recommendations are tailored to your manuscript's specific needs and requirements.
  • Uniqueness

  • Our service is tailored to your manuscript's specific needs and requirements, ensuring that you find the right match for your research.
  • We provide comprehensive guidance on the submission process, including formatting, submission requirements, and manuscript preparation.
  • Our team of experts has extensive experience in the publishing industry, making us well-equipped to provide valuable insights into the submission process.
  • With our comprehensive journal recommendations service, you can rest assured that your manuscript is in good hands. Our goal is to help you find the right journal and increase your chances of getting published.

  • Tailored Support for Researchers

  • Flexible Solutions Designed to Meet Your Unique Needs

    At Conwiz, we understand that every researcher is unique and may require different levels of support. That's why we offer tailored solutions that are designed to meet your specific needs. Our team of experts can help you with everything from editing and proofreading to manuscript formatting and figure creation. We are committed to helping you achieve your goals, and our personalized support can help ensure that you are successful in your publishing endeavors.

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    Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive journal recommendations service and how we can help you find the right match for your research.

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